Thursday, October 16, 2008

Freshley Retreat

We held our annual Freshley Retreat last weekend, October 3-5, and had an amazing time! This is one of the most critical events we host every year, as it is the most significant opportunity for students to build relationships and develop community within the body. We took 137 students to the Wahsega 4H center in Dahlonega, GA, and had a weekend of worship, fellowship, teaching, and, of course, fun! Our speaker was a youth pastor from Akin, SC who is also a stand up comedian- and he was hilarious! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! But what was equally important was the powerful message he delivered to the students about experiencing a true relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Aside from our worship and teaching sessions, we played capture the flag, a giant game of 5 way dodgeball, frisbee, volleyball, took a hike, grilled some hamburgers, and so much more! It was a wonderful weekend!

It's always great watching the Lord stir a passion in these young people's lives, and he did that in such a mighty and powerful way this weekend. Praise the Lord for all He is doing in these student's lives!

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